BKK Tours – Bangkok A Review

June 24, 2018 | By | Add a Comment

Prior to embarking on our family trip to Bangkok I searched the web for day tours and stumbled across BKK tours.

Reading the itinerary for the Hellfire Pass and River Kwai day trip I was hooked, particularly given the family connection to Hellfire Pass.

Booking with BKK was simple and efficient with regular email contact throughout the transaction. All questions were answered promptly and I felt reassured that I was dealing with a reputable company.

On the day of the tour we were greeted by Sea our tour guide, who spoke exceptional English.

Our driver was Mr Bob who was a professional and drove the “Pop Van” a luxury private van complete with interior disco lights and Thai music (disco lights and Thai music was turned on only at our request). The seats in the van were so luxurious and water and cold face washers plentiful. Most importantly his driving was really safe.

Nothing was too much trouble for Sea and the tour of Hellfire Pass was so informative. After our walk through Hellfire Pass we returned to the “Pop Van” and drove to the aptly named Boutique River Resort where we had lunch while overlooking the River Kwai.

Letting Sea choose our lunch for us enables us to try a wide range of Thai dishes including a deliscious Sea Bass. The lunch stop was beautiful and tranquil and we were the only group there.

Our trip to the Bridge over the River Kwai was spectacular and capped off with a longtail boat ride.

A roadside stop to taste some local rock melon and then a stop at the war cemetery where Sea bought our young son an ice cream.

BKK is a truly professional tour company and Sea and Mr Bob were exceptional.

Having just completed other tours with different companies across Thailand it has made me realise how fantastic BKK Tours truly were.


Category: Attractions, TravelHq

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